Quality Urgent Care Services at UrgenCare Clinic

UrgenCare Clinic provides a wide range of urgent care services, including the following list of typical illnesses and health issues we often address.

Common Cold

Symptoms of upper respiratory infection or common cold include runny nose, sore throat, cough, congestion, and fever. This condition is most likely viral in nature requiring supportive care that can be offered while visiting our urgent care clinic or with prescription therapy.

Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headaches, usually without a cough. UrgenCare Clinic provides in-house and prescription therapy for this condition.


Usually caused by seasonal changes, allergy symptoms include runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, without a fever. Even though this is not due to an infectious cause, we understand symptoms can be difficult to deal with, and our urgent care staff is here to help you control them.

Allergic Reactions

These can be local or systemic, causing varying symptoms including rash, itching, and swelling.

Sinus Infections

Symptoms include facial pressure, headaches, ear pressure/pain, nasal congestion and sore throat, with possible fever. Sinus infections can be caused by viruses as well as bacteria, and we’ll help determine the optimal treatment plan for quick recovery.


Asthma is a pediatric and adult illness, causing cough, chest tightness, and wheezing to name a few. We provide on-site breathing treatments and other medications to treat this illness.


An abscess is an area of skin that develops a collection of infected fluid that commonly needs to be opened and drained for resolution. This procedure is done on-site.


A rash is a varying etiology, usually caused by contact, irritant, fungus, bacteria, virus or even parasite. Some common conditions include eczema, poison ivy/oak, athlete’s foot, viral exanthem, and impetigo. The latter two, are found most commonly in children. We can determine the type of condition and provide the appropriate treatment.


Usually associated with accidental injury, our team is well equipped to provide wound repair, whether it’s with sutures, staples, steri-strips or just a little Dermabond.

Abrasions & Wound Care

Abrasions are a removal of the very superficial layer of the skin. These are caused by accidental injuries, occurring maybe from a fall, injury at work or home, or a motor vehicle accident.

We understand these injuries can be very painful and susceptible to secondary infections if not cleaned and treated appropriately. We are here to guide you through this process.

Minor Burns

Minor burns can be caused from excessive sun exposure, chemical injury, boiling liquids, and even electrical burns require urgent care. We understand these are very painful conditions, mostly requiring pain control and wound care. Both of which can be provided at UrgenCare Clinic.

Broken Bone

UrgenCare Clinic has x-ray on-site to evaluate injuries and diagnose fractures. Splinting is provided when necessary, as well as appropriate specialty follow-up to ensure continuity of care. Open fractures, which cause breaks in the skin, need to be treated in the Emergency Room.


Common types are migraine, tension, or cluster headaches. Our urgent care staff  has on-site medications to help alleviate these symptoms when OTC medications have not done so.

Muscle Strains

Muscle strains are nagging injuries that are sometimes difficult to treat and require more than just OTC medications. Whether it’s lower back pain from heavy lifting, shoulder pain in an athlete, or neck pain following a minor motor vehicle accident, we can help alleviate symptoms, increase recovery time and get you back to your normal routine as soon as possible.

Bladder Infections

Cystitis is a urinary tract infection and a common illness. Symptoms include painful urination with urinary urgency and frequency. Urinalysis can be done while visiting our urgent care clinic to appropriately diagnose and treat this condition.

Insect & Animal Bites

Insect and animal bites are usually non-life threatening, but pose a potential for secondary infections if not treated appropriately. Tetanus shots and wound care are available at UrgenCare. Rabies is a life-threatening condition, so you need to seek immediate medical attention if this may be a concern. Raccoons, bats, foxes, and skunks, are most commonly carriers of rabies, however, any mammal, including domestic animals can carry rabies.

Joint Pain & Gout

Mostly caused by inflammatory process, joint pain can be caused by injury, overuse, osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis and more. We can help determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment for your symptom control.

Nausea, Vomiting, & Diarrhea

Gastroenteritis is a common illness resulting in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes abdominal cramping. It’s usually a result of a viral infection, but can also be bacterial. UrgenCare Clinic can provide symptomatic therapy and IV fluids, when needed, to help reduce the severity of symptoms.

Foreign Body Removal

It is not uncommon for a child to accidentally, or intentionally, place a small object in their nose or ears. There are also cases where adults have superficial foreign bodies, our urgent care staff is equipped to safely remove these objects. Understand, your safety is our main concern, and there are rare cases in which these objects may need more specialized care with general anesthesia.

Flu Vaccine

All of our clinic locations offer extended hours and no appointment needed for influenza vaccines.

STD Treatment

Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases is available.

COVID Testing & Treatment

All of our clinic locations offer extended weekday and weekend hours with no appointment needed for COVID testing & treatment.

Sports Physicals

Sports physicals are usually a required part of registering children for participation in a sport. Regulations vary according to the rules of the respective state, school or a sport's governing body. This physical helps to ensure that the athlete is healthy and physically ready for their chosen activity.